As the story advanced, we learned the author’s engaging, twisting and turning character development in chapter 10 of the manga series “The Dark Mage’s Return to Enlistment.” Throughout this chapter, we will dive into the facts and analyze the characters and their various unknown realities in a fascinating story.
Read on to find out more about the thrilling continuing story of the dark mage’s re-enlistment in chapter 10. Let’s get straight into the chapter 10 story without further ado.
Table of Contents
The Dark Mages Plan
As the story opens, the mages meet secretly to discuss the next step in their quest for dominion over the realm. There is a mysterious plan being pursued by the mages, which could pose a danger to the others.
It was clear from the beginning that the author intended us to be transported into a magical and mysterious world. This story is about a group of trained magicians who shocked everyone for their mastery of magic.
Involvement of Allies
Aside from gathering additional allies to support them in their time of need, the mages plan to gather other allies as the story progresses. As a result, they started assembling strong enemies who possessed mysterious personalities and unique abilities to defeat their competitors.
In this chapter, we see what the dark mages are up to after their secret meeting at the beginning of the story: they want to achieve big things in the realm. Here, we see a different side of individuals who have their own agendas and motives that are hidden from the kingdom.
Real Trouble Awaits the Hero
A real dilemma confronts our hero “Ethan” as he tries to resolve a conflict within. Ethan seemed to be in trouble with his own desires when he realized what the dark mages were doing. Everyone’s perception was clouded by the vague images created by the dark mages. As a matter of fact, they will betray them and prove Ethan’s concern true.
As the author depicts Ethan’s inner dilemma, he uses mesmerizing ways to convey his inner conflict, and the story is actually created in a way that connects the reader with him.
Magic and Clash
When the mage,s reach the final stage of executing their plan, an unexpected incident occurs. There will be a betrayal of the dark mages which will alter perceptions and alter the minds of the readers.
With their magical powers and allies, the dark mages are in a hurry to strike the kingdom in a single order. As a result, the dark mages have been able to unearth a force that can undo all.
Dark Mages – Chapter 10 – The Final Reveal
In chapter 10, Ethan’s thoughts about the dark mages are altered by the return of the dark mage to enlistment. Their savage soldiers overtook the entire kingdom’s power. The ending leaves many questions unanswered, since Ethan was clear about the betrayal by the person he feels loyal to.
Dark Mages Members
An evil group of wizards first introduced in the Fairy Tail manga series Enlistment are the Dark Mages. These criminals have caused much destruction in the past using their magic for their own gain. Group members include:
In the group, Zeref Dragneel is the most powerful dark mage and the leader. Black magic is also created by him. The apprentice of Zeref, Merdy is a very loyal and devoted young girl.
- Ultear Milkovich: A woman who went through purgatory once. When it comes to achieving her goals, she will do anything it takes to succeed.
Former Fairy Tail member Gray Fullbuster is a powerful wizard. As a result of his hatred and revenge, he left the guild. An exiled former Fairy Tail member, Lyon Vastia, confessed his love to Juvia Lockser, another guild member.
Former Fairy Tail member Juvia Lockser was exiled after Lyon confessed his love for her. Now she loves Gray and is loyal to him.
Despite being in hiding, the Dark Mages are still doing what they do best. Increasing their power and causing chaos is constantly on their mind. The dark mages recently recruited other dark mages to join their cause. To destroy Fairy Tail is their ultimate goal, and they won’t stop until they reach it.
Final Thought
With its suspenseful storyline and magical implications, it alters the perception of readers that power can change everything. In this exciting story, you will experience emotions, action, adventure, and last but not least, betrayal from the loyal characters.
How does “The Dark Mages Return to Enlistment” focus on Chapter 10?
As the dark mages make their return in Chapter 10, their motivations are revealed, and the consequences of their actions are revealed. As a result, crucial plot developments are set in motion.
Does Chapter 10 require reading the previous chapters?
Thanks to the author’s skillful storytelling, Chapter 10 can be enjoyed as a standalone even if you’ve read the earlier chapters.
How pure are the dark mages’ intentions?
There are shades of gray in the dark mages’ personalities. Throughout Chapter 10, the lines between good and evil are blurred as we learn more about their personalities.
Are there any surprises in Chapter 10?
Absolutely! Readers will be amazed and eager to learn more about Chapter 10’s unexpected twists.