Resistors can be used for a variety of purposes, including limiting current flow, altering signal levels, terminating transmission lines, dividing voltages, and also much more. Also, they are extremely widespread in airplane construction, allowing for safe and efficient management of electrical systems.
In this article, therefore, we will go through some of the most common types of aviation resistors, which are also one of the important electronic parts, and also how they are going to be coded, so you can see how useful they are in aviation applications.
Table of Contents
Fixed resistor
A method of opposing current is included in the construction of fixed resistors. A resistor’s primary function in circuitry is to restrict the current that flows through it. A resistor’s resistance value, which is the precision of any resistor, and ability to heat dissipation are all controlled by a variety of technologies employed in its manufacturing and size.
While the resistive element of the resistor can be utilized to generate heat in some applications, such as propeller anti-ice boots, heating is often an unwelcome loss of energy.
Carbon Composition
The carbon-composed resistance will be made up of finely clustered carbon/graphite, an insulating material for filling, and a material that binds the materials together. The resistive value of any resistor is controlled by the quantity of graphite in proportion to the insulating material.
This combination is squeezed into a rod with axial leads, sometimes known as “pigtails.” For isolating and physical protection, the final product is wrapped in a certain insulating coating.
There are a few other varieties of fixed resistors used commonly. These are included among this group:
- Carbon film
- Metal glaze
- Metal film
- Metal oxide
A film resistor is made by evenly depositing a resistive substance on a certain ceramic rod. For a carbon film resistor, this resistive substance can be graphite, nickel-chromium for a metal film resistor, glass, and metal for a metal coating resistor, the metal and an insulator oxide for a metal oxide resistor.
Color codes of resistor
Manufacturing a resistor to the exact specification of ohmic values is quite challenging. Fortunately, the majority of circuit requirements are not life or death. The actual resistivity in ohms will be 20% greater or less than the value listed on the resistor for many applications without producing problems.
The “tolerance” of any resistor is the percentage difference between the indicated value and the true value of any resistor. A resistor with a tolerance of five percent is not greater than five percent lower or higher as compared to that of the value specified by the color-coding.
A set of colors, digits, and tolerance values make up the resistor color code. Each hue is assigned a numerical value and, in most circumstances, a tolerance value.
By carefully managing the temperatures at the resistor’s surface, the load-life consistency of a resistor or resistor network is improved, extending the component’s life in difficult working situations.
As electronics in aviation applications, such as vehicle engines and also brake monitoring systems, get closer to their operations, such situations are becoming increasingly common.