The increasing productivity of agricultural activities and, as a result, the fulfillment of the needs of consumers all over the world is directly attributable to the use of fertilizers. Without fertilizers, we would be facing major shortages on a global scale, which would have a disastrous impact not just on the ability of humans to survive, but also on the economy of the entire world. Having said that, not all fertilizers are created with the same goal in mind or serve the same purpose in the production process.
For any plant feeding endeavors to be successful, it is essential to make use of the most appropriate products at the most appropriate time for the conditions that are now present and to administer those products appropriately. This advantage is one of the several reasons why liquid calcium fertilizer is preferred by such a large number of farmers. Other advantages include: They contribute several advantages, which simplify the process of supplying plants with the proper nutrition at all times.
The following is a list of five persuasive arguments in support of your employment of liquid fertilizer:
A Method Of Application That Is Both Easy And Standardized
As a result of the solid structure of the granules themselves, it is usual practice to drop granular variations into fields in a manner that is not uniform. This occurrence takes place quite regularly. It is far simpler to apply a liquid in an even fashion across an entire region, and as it soaks into the soil, it also spreads out more uniformly, increasing the likelihood that all areas of a field would receive the same nutrients.
More Immediately Felt In Its Effects
Another advantage is that, in contrast to its granular equivalents, it allows plants to have access to nutrients more quickly because it permeates the soil practically instantaneously after it has been applied. This is a benefit that may be attributed to the fact that it has a faster rate of uptake. As a consequence of this, it is optimally suited for application at the start of the growing season to stimulate the formation of roots.
Less Nutrition Loss
Nitrogen is an element that plays an essential role in the growth of plants and, as a consequence, the production of crops. It is claimed that granulated fertilizers can lose as much as forty percent of the nitrogen content that they include, but liquid fertilizer normally loses no more than ten percent of the nitrogen content that it contains, ensuring that you receive the results that you paid for.
Freedom From Obstacles In Maneuvering
It is also possible to apply it by making use of the irrigation system, which means that there is no requirement for any sort of heavy equipment. Because of this, it is also far less difficult to pay the right amount of attention to something. Additionally, there is no obligation to take care to prevent the inhalation of dust by your crew, as there may be when dealing with certain granular fertilizers. This is not the case when working with powdered fertilizers.
It Is Much Easier To Stockpile
Because they are kept in containers that are hermetically sealed while they are in their concentrated state, the process of storing them requires less attention to detail than other procedures. Traditional fertilizers create a far greater risk of fire, but this option occupies a significantly smaller space, is less susceptible to shifts in the seasons or the temperature, and offers comparable benefits.
Get in touch with the folks at AgriTec International so that you can acquire additional details on the application of liquid fertilizer and the benefits that come with doing so.