The difference between quotation and citation is explained as clearly as possible in this article because quotation and citation are two words that are often confused. The confusion is undoubtedly caused by their similar meanings. Strictly speaking, there is a thick line of difference between the two words, quote and cite, as far as their meanings are concerned. When talking about the two words, quote and cite, one can see that both these words are used as verbs and nouns. Both quote and cite have their origins in late middle English.
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What does the quote mean?
The word quotation is often used in the sense of repeating a passage or phrase from a book or an essay. It is done by proof or to give an illustration. In other words, there is an element of proof in the sentence being quoted. On the other hand, the word quotation is used in the sense of short excerpts from a book or a paper. It is interesting to note that the word quotation has a different meaning in the subject of commerce. In fact, it is common to quote a price or usually current price. The noun of the verb quote is quotation.
What does cite mean?
On the other hand, the word cite is used in the sense of repeating a passage or phrase from a book, especially as an authority. In other words, it can be said that there is an element of authority in the thing to quote. The word quotation is used to confirm something as in the sentence,
The teacher cited many instances of hunger for power from history.
The word quote is used to praise for outstanding service or hard work as in the word quote. In military the word is used to mention a soldier or a unit in order as in gallantry.
Furthermore, the noun form of citation is quotation. It is used as an adjective with the form citable. The word cite is said to have originated from Latin citare meaning “called before an ecclesiastical tribunal”.
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What is the difference between citation and quotation?
- The word quotation is often used in the sense of repeating a passage or phrase from a book or an essay. It is done by proof or to give an illustration. On the other hand, the word quotation is used in the sense of repeating a passage or phrase from a book, especially as an authority. This is the main difference between the two words.
- In other words, it can be said that there is an element of authority in the action of quoting while there is an element of proof in the sign of quotation.
- The word quote is used to praise outstanding service or hard work as in the word citation.
- In commerce, quotation is used to indicate a price or usually current price.
Difference between quotation and citation
According to Merriam-Webster, the definition of a quotation is:
- “To speak or write (a passage) from another usually with credit
- repeating a passage from especially in subtext or illustration
- borrow a passage
- to quote in illustration
- to state (current price or bid spread) for a commodity, stock or bond
- to give precise information about
- to set off with quotation marks “
Merriam-Webster gives the definition of “cite” as:
- “To urge officially or authoritatively to appear (as before a court)
- to cite by example, authority, or evidence
- to refer to; especially: to mention formally in commendation or praise
- to name in a citation
- to bring to or call to the attention of others, especially as an example, evidence, or precedent”
A quotation is basically repeating someone’s words or something that has been written out. It is an exact repetition of the words. The words are not changed or manipulated, and are often from a book, a speech, an essay, a research paper, etc. The words are written are quotation marks. For example, the definition of quotation is citation, because they are exact words from the Merriam-Webster website.
A quotation also has a different meaning in commerce. When someone gives or quotes a price for a job to be done. For example: the contractor quoted $400 to fix the roof.
When quoting something or someone, they usually have to cite the source, i.e. where did they get the quote from. For example, the definition of “cite” is from Merriam-Webster. Quoting refers to using something that someone has said or written. This is done to be used as evidence to support their theory.