With energy prices around the world currently at an all-time high, it’s no surprise that many people are thinking of new ways to save money by using less. Smart items for the home are an increasingly popular option that many people are investing in to save some money. Smart lighting is one example of a smart home item that is not very expensive to buy but can make a big difference to the energy use in your home, along with adding more convenience to your everyday life. If you are looking for new ways to save money on the energy use in your home, then here are some of the benefits of smart lighting.
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Save Energy
Compared to regular light bulbs, smart light bulbs like these from Bazz Lighting Solutions are a great way to save energy as they typically use more wattage. Smart lights are LED, which uses less electricity per use compared to a standard light bulb. Along with this, the fact that the lights are more controllable means that you won’t waste any energy. You can use your voice if you have a smart speaker or an app installed on your phone to turn the lights on and off remotely, so there’s no more leaving the house and accidentally leaving all the lights on for the day.
Another great benefit of getting smart lighting for your home is the convenience. Since you can use an app on your phone or your voice to control the lights, this can add up over time and be much easier than using the switch. Maybe it’s a problem that you wouldn’t even know you had until you get smart lighting, but you will notice the difference. You can switch off lights downstairs from upstairs without having to move if you’ve forgotten, or turn off your bedroom light while you’re in bed, without having to get up, switch off the light and then find your way back to bed in the dark.
Smart lighting can also be used to create the perfect ambience in your home. They are usually at least dimmable, so you can decide how bright you want them depending on what you are doing. The light can easily go from a bright, work light while you are working from home to a dim night light in the evening for those cosy vibes. And, many smart light bulbs are RGB allowing you to choose from a wide range of different and fun colours.
Finally, another reason to invest in smart light bulbs is that even though they tend to cost more in comparison with a regular light bulb, they are designed to last forever. So, you’re not going to switch the light on one day to find that the bulb needs replacing. Over time, the money you might spend on replacing light bulbs with new ones will add up and you’ll end up saving.
There are so many reasons to invest in smart lighting!