There are only two paths to financial security. You either have a rich family or make a fortune and never worry about money.
You don't have to believe any of these things. Financial security is possible for almost anyone. It takes discipline, but you can have control over your life.
Stick To It, Define It
First, decide what financial security looks like for you. You should be aware that financial security does not necessarily mean you will never have to worry about your money again. It doesn't mean you can't spend as much as possible. While this may not be true for all the wealthy, there are stories about high-paid celebrities who lost everything.
Although these were not billionaires, they could have lived comfortably if they had managed their money properly. Make a list of what you want, and research how much you need to live comfortably.
One more cautionary note: it is common for people to always want more. You need to resist this urge. This is how people live over their means regardless of their income.
Millionaires live a relatively frugal existence. This does not mean you cannot have designer clothes or expensive vacations if they are important to you. However, you should make a budget to allow for these extravagances.
Get Out Of Debt
Financial security can't be achieved if money is owed to other people. The exception to this rule is the mortgage. Mortgages can offer tax breaks, as well as other benefits. Many prefer to pay this off as soon as possible because they feel the freedom that comes with being debt-free. It is important first to determine how much debt you owe. Then you need to examine whether there are any ways to reduce that amount.
Paying off the debt indeed reduces it. However, you may be eligible to reduce your total amount before doing that. This could be true if credit card balance transfers offer 0% interest for a limited time, such as six- or twelve-month periods. These are risky due to the high-interest rate. But if you're confident you can make good progress and not have the interest rate go up again, balance transfers could be an option.
Start Savings
You have now taken control of your debt, and it is time to save. While it is crucial to pay your debt off as quickly as possible, it is equally important that you start saving for retirement as soon as possible. These are important if you aren't considered young but still desire financial security.
For now, focus your attention on debt. However, pay attention to contribute towards a retirement account. There are always unexpected expenses, so it is important to have money in a savings account. Depending on your situation, you may need sufficient money to cover a year of expenses. But you may also be able to store some of it in a certificate of deposit account or another type that earns higher interest than traditional savings. Ensure you have enough cash for emergencies, such as replacing your car's windshield or buying a roof.
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