The largest myth about sex is that it is impure, illegal, or immoral. In actuality, sex is holy. Sex, however, is a physical act that offers a direct line to the divine since it is pure cosmic energy.
The phrase ” sacred sexuality” is commonly abused and misinterpreted. What exactly is sanctified sexuality? What do we mean when we refer to sexual activity as “sacred”? Why should you care, then?
What we mean by something is “sacred”
Oftentimes, the term “sacred” refers to something that is “set aside” from the ordinary or that is treasured as being “placed above” or “holy,” and frequently, this is something that is regarded as being distinct from ourselves.
This, in our opinion, is a constrained, if not incorrect, understanding of what sacredness actually is. Sacred things are intrinsically a part of us, not something outside of us.
In fact, the very reason something is considered sacred in the first place is because of this link as being a part of us (and not apart from us).
In other words, nothing in and of itself is necessarily “holy.” Something is “holy” because of how we relate to it.
How sacred sex is different from regular human sexuality?
The foundation of sacred sexuality is the idea that sexual energy and pleasure have the ability to alter, heal, and transform. While including sex’s spiritual aspects.
Most people view sex as a means of establishing a connection with their spouse, a means of getting laid, a source of dopamine, or even as a means of reproduction. Of course, sex is each of these things.
However, sex can also be a gateway to altered states of consciousness and trans-dimensional experiences, which many people are unaware of.
Numerous adherents of sacred sexuality have testified to experiencing altered states of awareness both during and following intercourse.
These individuals describe sensations and Universal Consciousness experiences that are comparable to those of psychedelic drug users.
In light of this, having sex is no longer just about intimacy, love, and reproduction. Similar to the ideas of Mantak Chia and Taoist philosophy, sex takes on a far larger and transformative nature.
As a result, sexual energy is transformed into a divine tool for oneness with God, sexual healing, self-realization, and trauma recovery.
Sex and spirituality – How they are linked?
Our own experiences suggest that the forces of the sexual, spiritual, and creative realms are indeed all interconnected. If you express yourself creatively, you will also express yourself sexually.
If you are experiencing expressive sex, you understand that God must be involved. And the goal of creativity is spiritual unity.
A fundamental human need is sexuality. It has a significant impact on the body’s physical health and vigor. Sex is a powerful, universal force that has the power to unite your spirit and body.
Sex is the heart’s meeting of involution and evolution, an explosion of unadulterated love. However, we must engage in sex in a divine setting if we are to completely experience it in this divine way.