Heart problems are primarily due to stress and unhealthy food habits. It is prime to give some space and time to look after your health and emotions. Generally, people consult cardiologists when they suspect issues in their body related to the heart, like chest pain, etc. The cardiologists might check you initially and further suggest you to an electrophysiologist if you have any problems with the rhythm of the heartbeat and the electrical activity of the heart. Patients usually get nervous and more stressed when they have to undergo surgery. For such people, radiofrequency ablation in Sydney is a blessed medical invention.
About 1 million people suffer from cardiovascular problems in Australia. It is essential to get yourself diagnosed and treated immediately to avoid sudden serious issues or even death in some cases. The radiofrequency ablation in Sydney is a non-surgical procedure often used to locate and treat the abnormalities causing unusual heart rhythms. It is a procedure that uses this energy, similar to microwave heat, to undergo the treatment. This patient is directed to the electrophysiology lab to undergo this non-surgical procedure.
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The chief function of the heart
During each heartbeat, the heart receives deoxygenated blood from the body and pumps out oxygenated blood to the body. This process involves a spark plug or electrical signals to initiate the heartbeat. These signals travel through the electrical circuit to produce a normal rhythmic beat.
What is arrhythmia?
A usual heart rate is within 60 to 100 beats per minute. Arrhythmia is the problem with the rate of this heartbeat. The heart either beats too fast, too slow or skips a beat which could cause further problems with the pumping of blood. There are a few classifications of arrhythmia that radiofrequency ablation can treat. They are
- Tachycardia: Tachycardia, also known as syncope, causes palpitations, dizziness or fainting. Here the heart beats too fast without leaving time for the ventricles to fill with blood, thus causing ineffective pumping.
- Supraventricular tachycardia: The issue begins in the upper chamber of the heart. It can affect people of all ages. To put it easy, it is a short circuit in the heart signals that cause fast beats. There are types like A-V node re-entry, Wolff-Parkinson-white syndrome, atrial fibrillation and flutter.
- Ventricular tachycardia: This is the most dangerous type of abnormal rhythm of the heart. It starts in the vertices and can even lead to death. People with a heart attack history and genetic history are prone to this type of disorder.
What is Radiofrequency ablation?
It is a non-surgical method to treat irregular and fast beats of the heart. The electrophysiologist will insert several small tubes through the veins into your heart to locate the abnormal area on the monitor. After mapping, the radiofrequency energy destroys the abnormal pathway. The ablation thus prevents the spot from producing electrical signals that conduct faster heartbeats.
What are the steps followed during radiofrequency ablation?
Before the treatment
Before you undergo the radiofrequency ablation in Sydney, the physician schedules you for several medical tests like blood tests, ECG, Echocardiogram, 24 hours Holter monitor, etc. This information gives essential details about the functioning of your heart.
During the treatment
The nurse places an IV line through your veins in the arm. The nurses use this line to provide medicines that relax you and make you feel comfortable.
Then the electrophysiologist places the catheters on your groin or inner arm. You might not feel scary, due to the anaesthesia given to you. These catheters help to find the malfunctioning spot. Then the physician uses the ablation cathedral to produce high-frequency electrical waves to destroy the problematic tissues. This procedure can take about 4 to 6 hours including mapping the fast beat area.
After the treatment
The physician removes the tubes and cathedrals by pressurizing the spot to avoid bleeding.
The physician and nurses monitor your heart rhythm, pulse and blood pressure continuously. The physician would advise you to keep your leg straight to prevent bleeding. It might take about 12 to 14 days for your artery to heal completely.