Almost all of our activities require electricity, thus why electricity is one of the major parts of human life. Unfortunately, most of the electricity we use comes from non-renewable energy. Therefore, figuring out how to save energy is important to do.
Saving electricity is our collective effort to live a better life at home, at the office, or wherever we are. There are various reasons why we have to save energy through saving electricity, and to do it – we just need to pay attention to the little things that we often overlook.
Saving electricity can be done anywhere! Keep on reading to find a clue of simple things that can be done to save electricity.
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Turn off the lights during the day
The easiest way to save on electricity costs is to turn off the lights during the day or when they are not needed. You can take advantage of the sun as a source of lighting during the day. Likewise, when you want to leave the room, don’t forget to turn off the lights in the room.
Switch to LED light
Many people are reluctant to use LED lights because they are more expensive than ordinary lights. However, using LED lights is another effective way to save on electricity bills.
LED lights consume less electricity or save energy when compared to ordinary types of lights. Besides saving energy, LED lamps can last more than 7 years so you don’t have to replace the lamp frequently.
Don’t wash clothes frequently
Washing clothes using an electronic washing machine can use up a lot of electrical energy. Moreover, if you use a washing machine with a dryer feature. The electric power possessed by the dryer is also quite large.
What you can do is by being mindful of how many times you utilize this machine. We suggest you wash your clothes not more than 1-2 times a week. Washing with one large load consumes less electrical energy than washing multiple times.
Proper cleaning for your air conditioner
The desire to turn on the air conditioner when working or studying at home is definitely high. But utilizing air conditioners will require a lot of electricity. Don’t be surprised if your electricity bill becomes expensive because you turn on the air conditioner all day!
This problem will become even more critical if you don’t regularly clean the air conditioner. Air conditioners which don’t get proper cleaning or service regularly, often will need more energy to work. Thus, ensuring your air conditioner gets the best service from from time to time is important if you want to maintain its condition.
Clean the freezer regularly
The next thing we can do to save energy is by regularly cleaning the freezer. This is important because too many ice cubes in the freezer will make the refrigerator need to work harder. Thus the electricity used will also be more. In addition, the presence of ice inside can also make the refrigerator quickly damaged. Therefore, it is better to clean the refrigerator regularly to allow it work at its best without needing more energy
Use electronic devices wisely
Electronic devices in your home have different electrical capacities. If used excessively or beyond capacity, these electronic devices will consume a lot of electricity in return.
If you have the budget, replace the electronics at home with a smaller wattage capacity. You should also immediately turn off electronic devices after usage. Electricity bills can swell due to leaving electronic equipment on throughout the night. Thus, turning off electricity at night is definitely one of the most effective ways to save on electricity bills!
Unplug the cable from the switch
Did you know that electric current will continue to flow if you leave an electronic device cable attached to a switch even when it’s not in use?
Many people often forget to unplug their laptops or handphone chargers after using them. You can start to eliminate these habits, as it is also effective to save on electricity bills. In addition, cutting off electricity to electronic goods will also make these devices last longer.
Here are some of the best tips that you can follow to reduce your electricity usage every month. By doing this you will not only take part in going green for the sake of the planet, but you will get another ultimate advantage which is that your monthly electricity cost will sharply decrease. What a total save in one clap!