Dogs are adorable creatures and are human’s best friends. So naturally, having a pet around can reduce stress and anxiety levels due to unlimited love and affection. Unfortunately, pets have some drawbacks that every pet owner faces.
Regardless of training and cleanliness, one cannot stand the foul smell left behind. Of course, there are higher possibilities that you cannot deep clean the couch every time, but there is nothing to worry about. To achieve high-quality sofa cleaning, our Couch Cleaning Adelaide staff works efficiently. Here, we are with 6 Tips For Removing Dog Smell From Your Couches. This blog will give us adequate information about tips to eliminate the dog smell quickly.
Table of Contents
Is There Any Specific Reason Behind The Bad Dog’s odour?
No matter how well-kept your pet dog is, you cannot bear the bad dog smell. After all, you don’t have information about the dog’s background. As a result, removing pet smells from the couch can be a pain in the back.
Now you are probably wondering why the dog smells when you give it a scheduled bath. Is there any reason behind the foul odour of your pet dog? According to research and studies, dog odour can be attributed to many things like poor dental health, infections, sickness, and more.
The bad smell is bothering you due to the presence of yeast and bacteria. But there are some situations where the dogs are not wet, nor have they taken a bath. Still, you can smell a bad odour. It is due to the excessive oil production of their fur.
Uncover The Best-Working 6 Tips For Removing Dog Smell From Your Couches:
There are many ways to remove the dog smell from your couch using DIY methods. In addition, we have prepared a compiled list of remarkable tips to eliminate dog odour from your couch.
1. The enzymatic cleaner
Most dog owners know that the odour is commonly related to the smell of their pee. But let’s face some facts, no dog is perfect in every manner, and accidents are pretty common.
If you are not sure about the ways of removing a dog’s urine smell from your couch, then use an enzymatic cleaner. These specific cleaners offer easier ways of removing stains and work as the pet deodorizer. It is perfect for dog owners as it has specific enzymes that contribute to the strong smell. You can check our blog How Much Does It Cost To Clean The Couch Deeply.
2. Customised essential oil pet deodorizer
You can create your couch deodoriser eliminator by selecting the finest essential oils. But you must ensure that the vets have approved these oils for safety reasons. After that, take a large spray bottle by mixing the following:
½ cup of apple cider vinegar
½ cup of water
1 teaspoon salt
A cup of baking soda
2 drops of eucalyptus essential oil
5 drops of lemon essential oil
Once you’ve mixed these ingredients, let them rest for at least 3 minutes. Then, to ensure safer usage, spray it on the couch and check whether it stains.
Therefore, spray the solution over the targeted area and let it dry overnight. You might need to vacuum the smelly area for the next day, which helps you remove baking soda residue.
3. Baking soda
It is no secret that baking soda has some properties that make it a perfect odour eliminator. It can work fine for these odours, and you just need to sprinkle some on your desired spot. In addition, it is a safe and reliable odour eliminator when you have a pet around.
But it will be better to make some restrictions for your furry friend to maintain a fresh and odour-free aura at home. After that, vacuum it the next day to ensure no residue is left behind, and repeat the process until your couch is odour-free.
4. The fabric freshener
Fabric fresheners are the best buddy of pet owners. But such a product cannot provide an instant result, but continuous usage offers admired results. Your couch is going to smell nicer, and it will not cause any harm to the couch’s fabric.
5. Regular bathing and grooming of the dog
Maintaining the perfect hygiene of a dog deducts the chances of facing such issues. It would be best to bathe them often or take them for grooming sessions. Moreover, a nice bath can freshen them up while eliminating foul smells.
6. Wash cushions and garments often:
Blankets, comforters, pillowcases, sofa cushion covers, etc., that come in contact with your pet must wash often. Try to use stronger laundry detergent for better and more effective results. It helps you conveniently remove odour and helps you to maintain a hygienic aura in the home.
The Conclusion
The above 6 Tips For Removing Dog Smell From Your Couches can help pet owners to remove pet odours easily. With this, it will be easier for dog parents to maintain a fresh aura and specific hygiene levels. Moreover, if your couches smell really bad because of pets, we suggest you call in for a couch steam cleaning and deodorization service.
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